Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer
Workshop Facilitator
Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer serves as Board president of the Affiliated New Thought Network (ANTN), of which CLF is a member, and is a staff minister at Om Center for Spiritual Living in the San Diego area. He also works as Director of Relationship Development for Urban Street Angels, serving homeless transition-age youth (ages 18 to 25). He is the author of the acclaimed book, Coming Out to Ourselves: Admitting, Accepting and Embracing Who We Truly Are.
“Contentment is the only real wealth" ~Alfred Nobel
Many of us have shelves of books encouraging us to do more, be more, and have more. Greater financial abundance, wonderful new experiences, fulfilling relationships are all within our reach.
Do your dreams and desires keep you from
experiencing the lusciousness of the present moment?
Is there a way to be both ambitious and content?
And is what you say you want really your heart’s desire, or is it what
you think you should want? Are you pursuing someone else’s definition
of your “best life”?
Do you carry shame from years or decades ago about your somehow not being or doing enough?
Join Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer for this heart and mind opening workshop and live your life 'Radically Content!'