Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer
Workshop Facilitator
Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer serves as Board president of the Affiliated New Thought Network (ANTN), of which CLF is a member, and is a staff minister at Om Center for Spiritual Living in the San Diego area. He also works as Director of Relationship Development for Urban Street Angels, serving homeless transition-age youth (ages 18 to 25). He is the author of the acclaimed book, Coming Out to Ourselves: Admitting, Accepting and Embracing Who We Truly Are.

We human beings often don’t like change. Even though nature around us, and our physical bodies, change in front of our eyes, we might stay stuck in unfulfilling work situations, abusive relationships, and limiting beliefs because of the fear of change and stepping into the mystery of the unknown.
We might also carry a painful story with us, quite possibly from years or decades ago, complete with resentment and regret. The attachment to the past can affect the choices we make today and in the future.
But, “if nothing changes, nothing changes.” So how do we navigate the inevitable, release what no longer serves us, and allow ourselves to experience the good that Life has for us? And is it possible to grieve the changes that we would not have consciously chosen, such as relationship changes (including deaths) and other heart breaking experiences?
Join Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer for this life changing workshop!