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CLF Ministries

Congregant Care Ministry


Our Vision
To lovingly support, assist and be a gentle presence to CLF congregants (and their families) who are experiencing life challenges.


Our Mission

The Congregant Care Ministry, under the direction of Rev. Cindy Farrimond, provide the following services:

  • Hospital/hospice/home visits.

  • Distributes blessed Prayer Bears.

  • Initiates & participates in specially organized prayer circles.

  • Maintains ongoing phone/email follow-up.

  • Provides support for congregants and their families before, during and after transitions.

  • Contacts congregants who have been absent from CLF for a while.

  • Sends cards by email and/or regular mail.

  • Posts messages of support on specially created Caring Bridge sites.

  • Researches agency resources available to congregants on an as needed basis.

  • Offers additional support on an as needed, and able to fulfill, individual request basis.


How You Can Become Involved
The Congregant Care Ministry is always open to new members who wish to open their hearts and hands to others. A prerequisite for becoming a team member is successful completion of the Foundations class. If you know of a congregant who could benefit from the services of the Congregant Care Ministry, please contact our Congregant Care Ministers.


Congregant Care Contact Information

Music Ministry


Our Vision
To uplift, enlighten and open hearts through music.


Our Mission
The Music Ministry provides music for Sunday morning services, holiday services and a variety of special services and events.  We are grateful for the talented New Thought vocalists, songwriters and instrumentalist, who generously share their talent with us.  Their contributions allow this Ministry to fully embrace and live its vision.


How You Can Be Involved
We are always open to discovering new talent. Opportunities are available for featured artist positions on an audition basis. There are also opportunities for people interested in running the sound board (training provided) and song leading.


Music Ministry Contact Information

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